Chiropractic is a healing art that is primarily focused on freeing the nervous system to work to the best of its ability, improving your health. The central nervous system is housed in the skull and spinal column and small fixations (subluxations, sub-lux-A’-shuns) in the vertebrae can cause swelling at the joints that interfere with the functioning of the nerve as it exits the spine and travels to other parts of the body. This interference can be in the form of pain, numbness, tingling or simply lack of full function. Since everything within the body functions as a result of the nervous system, the ramifications of nerve interference and health are astounding.
There are many different techniques that chiropractors use. Some are very gentle and you hardly know you are being touched while others are more forceful. The doctor in most cases uses her/his hands or an instrument to aid in the ‘adjustment’. Dr. Ford uses many different types of techniques and designs your treatment to best meet your needs. She encourages the patient to provide feedback on treatments so that they can achieve maximum benefit with their highest comfort in mind.
Dear Dr. Ford,
Thank you so much for relieving my pain. After my car accident I thought my back would be in pain forever, but I was wrong. After a quick visit to your practice my pain was gone.
Thank you Dr. Ford!
"I am a seventy year old woman who recently suffered from a pinched nerve causing sciatica. The pain went from lower back all the way down to my foot. I also suffer from mild arthritis in my lower back. I was in such immense pain that the simple task of standing was extremely painful and difficult. At first a doctor recommended physical therapy. This treatment seemed ineffective. I soon after had a consultation with Dr. Ford. Her chiropractic work alleviated the pain. I now visit her less frequently and will soon be on maintenance visits. I am very pleased with the treatment that I have received from Dr. Ford and would highly recommend her to other patients."
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